Posts Tagged 'free psychic reading'

Reading of the month – October

It could be you. Post your question, situation, life challenge or concern as a comment on my blog (see where it says ‘Comments’ above), as long as you don’t mind the answer being posted. Your reading could be chosen and featured the following month as part of my newsletter.

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Reading of the month – September

It could be you. Post your question, situation, life challenge or concern as a comment on my blog (see where it says ‘Comments’ above), as long as you don’t mind the answer being posted. Your reading could be chosen and featured the following month as part of my newsletter.

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Answer of the month – August (Yvonne)


My question is combo of a psychic development question and a personal topic.

Q: How reliable is a person’s intuition? As in, intuitively I know I should be with someone from my past. I’ve always known this, perhaps earlier I described it as a gut feeling but in the past few years I would consider this being my intuition and that “I know” this will happen. This was always reinforced by getting his card (King of Swords) constantly over the years in my tarot spreads. Yet there is absolutely nothing whatsoever solid to say that I am right. In fact, his present status would point to the contrary.

I’m afraid I’m confusing wishful thinking with intuition but because it’s always been so strong I’ve never questioned that I may be wrong up until now as nothing has ever come to fruition.

Many thanks,


Heidi’s reading for Yvonne:

Hmm interesting! This feels to me as though yes, indeed your ‘feelings’ relate to a deep connection with this man rather than this be your imagination. The reason I say this is because when I look at your energy (energy isn’t logic therefore it has no distance, it can be seen / felt regardless of whether a person is present) it feels to me very calm, collected and by no means obsessed with the past. Your energy is carefully observing rather than trying to jump in to this man’s life. Therefore it is again, your intuition that is picking up on the connection between the two of you rather than your personality desperate to rekindle the past. There is certainly unfinshed business between the pair of you and you are much more conscious of it than he is. I feel he is a man who hides behind bravado, and perhaps makes jokes to hide his feelings. It feels to me at the moment this chap has a partner but he can’t quite commit to this person because he can sort of feel something in his past, but wouldn’t be able to immediately identify what it is he’s ‘thinking’ about. This to me suggests that indeed Yvonne, you are very much in touch with your intuition and you’re quietly listening to it. If life takes you on a path where you and this man are not back together you will though find resolution. This is because you trust in your own instincts.

Your story reminds me of someone whose story is very similar. I can tell you the conclusion of that one! A woman I’ve known for 10 years or so had an almost identical set of circumstances. She was with a man for a while and they split up but she had a feeling like yours, (for years) that they were going to be together. She carried on with her life, and as far as she knew he was with someone else, he hadn’t contacted her etc etc. But she had this feeling and everytime I saw her sporadically she would mention it and she felt she had to move to a certain town.

Anyway, I bumped into her at an event a couple of years ago in the town she thought she should move to, she invited me to her house. Her house was the house she lived in with her husband-to-be. He was indeed the man she knew she’d be with. Apparently, after she moved to the town her intuition had told her to move to, she bumped into this man from her past as she walked home from work one day. The rest is history, they; I know got married last year, and I think this year in their life so I’ve heard, is the patter of tiny feet…

Admin update: Yvonne has replied to Heidi’s reading – at the top of this post click where it says ‘Comments’. Feel free to comment yourself and offer your own insights/experience…
